The Best Strains to Help with Creativity
What are the effects of cannabis on creativity? Well, there is no denying the history of cannabis use among musicians and artists. Cannabis was integral to the invention of jazz and reggae, as well as ever-present in the studios of visual and musical artists everywhere. Not to mention the multitudes of other hobbyists whose art is made more prolific and beautiful by cannabis use every day.
If you are an artist, a musician, a writer—any type of creator (or someone who wants to be), you may be wondering: What is the best weed for creativity? Read on to find out!
Louis Armstrong and most other jazz musicians of his time were avid cannabis smokers.
Does Weed Make You More Creative?
Can cannabis boost creativity? Many people feel that it does. But apart from anecdotal evidence (and the incredible music, art, and literature that has been created while high), is there any actual science that shows the link between cannabis and creativity? And if so, what are the best strains for thinking outside the box?
The Harvard Business Review actually conducted a study last year where a weed-smoking group and a control group were both given a brainstorming task (coming up with ideas of how to use a brick).
While the cannabis group thought their own ideas were especially creative, an independent panel seemed to find them about as creative as the control group’s ideas. The HBR concluded that while weed made their test subjects more “jovial” in regards to the task and more enthusiastic about their ideas, it didn’t actually change their level of creativity.
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HG Pharms weed dispensary in Eugene always runs great specials.
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But isn’t half of being creative just thinking that you can? How many people give up art, music, or writing because of imposter syndrome making them think they’re not creative enough?
Could just believing you’re more creative and finding more joy while creating, encourage you to make more art? Most likely! So in that way, cannabis can boost creativity.
What Strain of Weed Boosts Creativity?
Is indica or sativa better for creativity?
The answer to this question can depend on many individual factors, but for the most part, sativa strains are generally recommended for any activity where you are wanting to stay alert and inspired.
It is also smart to check the terpene profile of your flower. Terpenes lend their aromas to cannabis, but also have effects of their own.
What is the best terpene for creativity?
Limonene, caryophyllene, and pinene top the list as the terpenes that people find to inspire their creative endeavors.
Many artists say that cannabis helps them relax and get creative without self-judgment.
So what strain is the most creative? Try one of these 4 inspiring sativas on for size!
4 Inspiring Sativa Strains
1. Black Jack
Users of this strain say it can help you feel inspired, focused, and ready to create. Cross-bred from Black Domina and Jack Herer, peppery Black Jack contains the creativity boosting-terpene/cannabinoid Caryophyllene, as well as a high percentage of THC.
2. Magic Melon
This tropical treat is a 3-way cross between Mango Sherbet, Mango Trees, and Honeydew Melon. Creativity-boosting terpenes limonene and caryophyllene are prevalent, and its sweet melon bouquet has some gassy undernotes.
Users say that Magic Melon makes them feel aroused and tingly—perfect for creating something new!
3. Peach Cobbler
Possibly one of the best weed strains for anxiety, Peach Cobbler helps you feel focused and euphoric. This sweet combination of Apricot Papaya, Strawberry Banana, and Dream Queen also contains the only terpene that’s also a cannabinoid—caryophyllene. P.C. helps you relax and create, while enjoying its delicious peaches & cream aroma.
4. Tang Breath
Users describe Tang Breath’s effects as happy and creative—perfect for jovial artists! A cross between Tropicanna and Mendo Breath, Tang Breath has a sharp flavor that includes notes of orange and cheese, as well as pepper from its caryophyllene component.
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Like supporting local growers in Eugene?
HG Pharms’ seed-to-sale products are called HGWS.
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Best Cannabis Products to Help You Be Creative
Lots of folks enjoy smoking weed, but if it’s not for you, edibles are a nice option.
What cannabinoid is for creativity?
Thanks to the entourage effect, cannabinoids actually work best when they work all together. For this reason, whole cannabis flower is often the most effective option.
But smoking pot isn’t for everyone. Luckily, there are many varieties of cannabis products on the market to fit every style. Concentrates and vapes are also popular consumption methods, but if you prefer not to inhale your CBD or THC for creativity, edibles are a convenient and discreet choice!
Does CBD increase creativity as well as THC?
Users say yes, because it can decrease anxious feelings and increase focus, allowing your inspiration to shine.
Best Edibles for Creativity
What edibles make you creative? Choose edibles that are labeled as sativa, and/or those that contain both THC and CBD. Or if you want to maintain a fully clear mind while lowering anxiety, perhaps try an edible that contains only CBD.
Here are some recommendations:
The tangy blackberry flavor of these tasty Drops gummies is the perfect way to get 5 mg THC and 10 mg CBD per drop. Drops are so effective because they are made with strain-specific, live rosin whole cannabis extract.
Pacific Wave CBD Chocolate Bitz - Dark Chocolate
With approximately 1 mg of THC and 5 mg of CBD per chocolate, these delicious edibles are a perfect way to get a microdose of THC that may increase your focus and creativity while keeping anxious feelings at bay.
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Holy Grail Pharms dispensary in Eugene always runs great specials.
Check out the latest weed deals.
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Best Dispensary in Eugene
If you are an artistic type (or would like to be!) and you live in or near Eugene, OR, check out Holy Grail Pharms for all your creativity-boosting cannabis needs. HG Pharms is one of the best dispensaries in Eugene and it is conveniently located and accessible for the communities of Whitaker, College Hill, Amazon, East Campus, and Springfield.
Holy Grail Pharms’ helpful budtenders always have great advice about the best weed for your needs—so let them know you’re looking for a product that can boost your creativity. Or browse our online menu, where our huge selection of safe and effective products can be sorted by the results you’re looking for.
Whether you want flower, edibles, or another cannabis product, Holy Grail Pharms has the best weed products for your next creative endeavor.
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